Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Art and Character Thieves

So, I recently found out that someone had stolen a fan character of mine and had been using it for role play purposes on Twitter. I wonder how long she though she'd get away with it before I found out. Of course I was going to be upset with her, considering she took the character AND art without permission.
That's not even the worst part of it though.
She took my Yugoslavia fan character for Hetalia. It wasn't even an original character, but it's the only one I feel very attached to as a creator. The person on Twitter took my character and turned her into an unbelievable Mary-Sue. Seriously, making her speak Japanese and being a clingy little school girl figure toward the canon characters? I don't think so. My Yugoslavia has a lot more dignity than that.

So, for that reason, I had to call her out and put a stop to that bullshit.
I asked her nicely to remove the account and stop stealing from me.
And suddenly, she drops all sorts of cuss words at me, being totally unappreciative toward the creator of the character she was using. It took some negotiating, but I got what I wanted out of her. Stupid weeaboo girl.
Shortly after, I stuck a bunch of "NOT FREE FOR USE" labels all over my Yugoslavia's wikia page. The nerve of some people...

Seriously though, how pathetic is that?
Some people lack so much creativity that they have to look on the Internet and STEAL someone else's fan characters to have role play with their friends? They can't stick a person together, give it a name and background, and call it their own?
Oh, that's just sad. I am so disappointed in this new generation.
This girl on Twitter couldn't make up her own fan character, so she had to steal mine. I had all my research and information done, well-developed personality traits, designs drawn out, and everything. And this child comes and takes it all, and role plays my character like a Mary-Sue. It's so sad.

Anyways, I did put a stop to it, so that's good. I'll be keeping my eyes on this little whore though. If she puts my art back up, there's really going to be a Hellstorm after her.

A friend of mine told me, "You know you're a good artist when someone is stealing from you."
I dunno about that, but finding out someone stole something of yours is very hurtful. It's a horrible feeling of loss, really, and I hope it never happens again.
Thank God for Google. Look up my characters' names and I've got everything at my fingertips.

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