Friday, May 27, 2011

Ranting and Raving

It's come to my attention that some people have no idea what ranting and raving actually is.
These individuals tend to think that rants and raves are meant to be well-thought out, intelligent, and backed up with evidence.
Well, they're not.
By definition, a rant or rave is a loud exclamation, often expressing anger or violence. It says nothing of being a debate topic that is well-thought out or researched. Quiet often, it's just a way to blow off steam.

That's what I do. I rant and rave to get things off my chest. It's a form of venting, (which is sometimes used as an excuse for people who do stupid things like cut their wrists or do drugs).

For some reason or another, some people think my rants are well-thought out and intelligent. Why, I have no idea.
Then there are people who decide to say that my rants are invalid because...well, actually, I have no idea. I'm not exactly sure how a violent verbal outburst can be valid in the first place. 8I
Rants and raves need not be backed up with evidence or research, they need not make sense, and they need not be used for anything more than blowing off steam.

Personally, I always feel a lot better after letting out a rant.
I don't need some dickbag to come up and start another fire just because they don't like what I said.
At some point, it just becomes a, "You didn't even have to read that, you know" kind of thing.

So yeah.
Leave me to my rants and don't try to tell me that they need to make sense.
I'll just call you a moron and probably drop an F-bomb on you. :'I

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