Thursday, April 28, 2011

Guy-Dependent Girls

Lately, I've been seeing something that's been disappointing me even more than how bad I suck at calculus. I'm talking, of course, about girls who are totally dependent on boys. It just makes me sad when a girlfriend of mine comes up to me and starts telling me a sob-story about her fifty-sixth boyfriend and how he's using her or cheating on her or not paying enough attention to her. It really and truly upsets me, not because the boy is being an asshole, but because this teenage girl is so boy-crazy that it's making her clinically depressed.

Girls, let's be clear... This is the exact sort of thing our founding mothers had been trying to avoid throughout their lives. "Back in the day," women were nothing. They were not allowed to do anything. They couldn't vote, they couldn't work, they couldn't wear the things they wanted to wear. This still goes on in some countries today, and I see teenage girls here in the United States that take these rights for granted every day. They think they need a boy in order to be happy or even survive. It's just flat-out saddening.

I'll be eighteen years old next Saturday. I have never dated at all. With all these sob-stories going around, I'm pretty glad that I haven't. Not only have I saved myself the agony of dependency, but I've kept myself from looking like a total idiot as well.

Girls, why so many of you want to have babies in high school and get married at eighteen is beyond me. Quite honestly, I think that baby bump or that engagement ring may as well be a gigantic sign hung around your neck with the word "STUPID" in big red capital letters. Here's the thing: You probably will not see the likes of that boy much longer after graduation. Divorce rates now-a-days are through the roof, and as soon as that guy finds out you're knocked-up, he's gonna bail. You're very lucky if he doesn't. Teenage boys are generally very irresponsible, especially about this thing you're referring to as "love."
High school dating ≠ Love
Study that very carefully for a moment, will you?

And I know all you girls in denial are thinking, "Oh, you're just jealous 'cause you've never dated. You wouldn't know what it's like anyway. Guys don't wanna date you 'cause you're ugly and stupid and blah blah blah."
Haha, okay, sure. I'm not the one getting screwed around on by a boy who says "I love you" just to get sex from me and then leave. Nope, I'm not all depressed and crying every day because of it either. Let's re-evaluate who's stupid on that part, shall we?
I'm not the one ruining my whole life. I'm going to do the smart thing and wait until I'm not a child anymore before I start dealing with relationships. I may want a companion later in life, but right now, I'm focused on my future. I'm going to graduate and become successful. I won't have to depend on some guy to support me.
I'm not dependent on love either. I don't need anyone to be happy, unlike you girls who claim to. I think the problem is that you're just as hormonally-driven as the boys are.

I'd like to send a message to all you dependent girls out there:
Stay away from boys if they're making you this depressed all the time, okay?
What do you do when you get a nail in your foot and it starts making you bleed? Do you leave it in and walk around like nothing's going on, then later die of rust poisoning?
No, you don't. You get that nail out 'cause it freaking hurts.
Boys are sometimes nails, girls. Remember that.

And for you boys out there, I can sympathize with you too:
Girls may very well just be using you for money and gifts. Yeah, they still do that. Hell, they may even be using you as a status symbol. I know of girls who date football players just to brag about it. I refer to those little girls as "whores."
Also, be smart about what you're doing. Don't go getting some girl pregnant unless you're willing to pay. Oh, and don't think she won't find out if you're cheating or something. They have connections.

I don't have anything special to say to the homosexual couples. Just switch some words around in the above paragraphs and you've got your lecture. I'm fairly sure they all act the same, minus the pregnancy issue.

So, that pretty much sums it up. Relationships in high school are often pretty disasterous. I know a few girls who get emotionally ass-kicked every day because of some boy they're dating or used to date. I've also heard of boys getting ass-kicked because they want some girl so bad and she's not even interested, (same goes with some girls, actually). Honestly, if they say no the first time, don't keep pursuing them. It's a lost effort and a waste of time.
In conclusion, I'd like to say:
Teenage stupidity upsets me.
Be smarter.


  1. Amen! So, when are we getting you your talk-show Commander?

  2. We'll get my talk-show as soon as we figure out how to get it. xD

  3. (Rhine here~. Yes. I do enjoy your rants, so here I am. xD)

    I do certainly agree with you on multiple levels. There's this one girl I occasionally chat with who has a new goddamn boyfriend every week, and who can't see her own pattern of dramatic dependency. And every time I've kind of hinted at the problem to her, she just blinks at me like, "What am I SUPPOSED to do? NOT date?" I want to slap her upside the head--repeatedly.

    But for the homosexual comment, would argue that LBGT couples are more grounded than their orthodox counterparts. Having a girlfriend myself, I can attest to this--because it's so hard to find someone you really click with, I think there's less drama between unconventional couples. It's not as though there's a surplus of people to date, so when you find someone you really, really like, there's more appreciation.

    Then again, personally, I don't exactly know many other same-sex couples (at all, really). Perhaps Gretchen and I are just mature for our ages, I dunno.
