Thursday, July 28, 2011

Sex in Society

So, there's something that's been going around lately and it's really bugging me a lot. Of course, the title says it all, but to be more specific, I'd like to talk about what sex has become in society now-a-days. Quite frankly, I think the line needs to be drawn at some point. Taking STDs and divorce rates into account, I think something like this ought to be addressed in some way or another.

Way back, sex used to be looked upon with disgust. It was very closet, no one really talked about it, and it had maybe two purposes: stress relief and procreation.

Now-a-days, sex is looked upon as almost a fashion, for lack of better words. It seems to me that most people don't see it as much more than a satisfying biological act, maybe a thrill that could get them in trouble in some cases, but they want to take that risk anyway. I understand if you can't control your hormones, but damn, either stick with one person or become friends with your hand. There are countless sexually-transmitted diseases out there now, a lot of which have no cure and even more of which will kill you. And think of the divorce rates. It's a big stress, especially if the couple in question has children, and I think it's a big underlying cause of childhood depression and suicide, to be honest.

There's a new movie coming out, I think it may already be out, but it's called "Friends With Benefits." I haven't seen it, and I really don't plan to, but apparently, it's about these two friends who just have sex for the Hell of it. In the story, it's a satisfying biological act to them, (and I'm pretty sure they fall in love later during the movie, or else you wouldn't even have a good story at all, but that's beside the point). However, that's really not the way it's supposed to work. Love is supposed to come first, and sex in itself is supposed to be an act of love and commitment between two people. Society now-a-days has twisted it around and has started to say that it's perfectly fine to do it when there's no love involved whatsoever.

I think the most horrifying thing about it is the effects on children. I see children listening to musical "artists" such as Bruno Mars, who likes to sing about sex all the time, and he's not even subtle about it. I find it pretty scary that parents allow their kids to be influenced by those sorts of things.

Probably the craziest thing I've seen so far is a boy on Facebook. He asked a friend of mine if she would "smash" him, given it's apparently a sexual slang now. I went to look on his profile, and this kid was 13 years old. Everything on his profile was sexual, including his interests, inspirations, and more or less all of his wall posts. I was...pretty horrified by that. Especially since I know damned well that he hadn't even hit puberty yet.

Granted, there are some kids who hit puberty early, and that's when nature signals that it's time to start reproduction, but goodness, people. These kids have their whole lives ahead of them. Some are still in middle school and they're having babies. It's sad. It's really sad.

So, I guess I just needed to get that off my chest.
It's a little bit of a Conservative opinion, but then again, I don't even like Liberalism, so I don't care.
Sex should be an act of love and commitment between two people.
It should not just be a biological act to get a 30-second rush at the end of it, not to mention the later consequences.
Also, unless you're a total idiot, be responsible and use protection. If you don't, you probably deserve what you get anyway.